Jun 19, 2015

Opening a bottle of wine

What is the best and easiest way to open a bottle of wine?
Nowadays there are so many wine openers:
And ways to open wine without them:

I personally prefer the very popular and easy to use waiter's corkscrew opener:
Using it is very easy:
1 - Cut the foil with a foil cutter. Be careful with your fingers! In respectful restaurants, professional staff will the keep bottle of wine on the table with the label facing the guest and turn the foil cutter 360 degrees, not the bottle.  Be sure to cut it all the way around, cutting around again if needed.  After you finish cutting the foil around, cut one vertical line from the cut line up to the top of the bottle. Grab one side of the foil using the foil cutter and your finger tip and pull it up. 
2 - Place the tip of the worm in the middle of the cork and make the first twist slightly pressing. This will help worm to go deep in the middle of cork so it wont fall down or go sideways. Screw the worm all the way in until right before the last curl. Save the last curl for adjustments, if needed.
3 - Use first step of opener. Securely hold the place where first step touches the neck of the bottle, grabbing it with your hand. Pull the opener's handle, holding it in the end.
4 - Use the second step when you reach maximum height with first step.
5 -  Don't pull the cork completely out. When you see that the cork is almost out, slow down. Slowly pull the cork to avoid splashes, especially if it is a red wine.

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